Thursday, 17 October 2013

Select more than 2 table at database "penjualantasonline" cont.

Now we will use command select more than 2 table, first we try to select 2 table that have been made before.

In this case, we want to select table barang and table merk where mutually related to each other. We see the structure of table barang and table merk.

After we know the structure from 2 table, now we specify what we will show from 2 table, in this case, we want to show, name from table barang, quantity from table barang and name from table merk Let’s try.

Now, we want to try select 3 table, table id_pesan , table barang, table merk. We want to show no_pesan from table id_pesan, jumlah from table id_pesan, harga from table id_pesan, name from table barang, name from table merk.

Ok, good try 


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